


-- Congratulations on the Nobel Prize.
I found this message in my mailbox first thing in the morning, and was confused for a moment.  I was tired the previous night, and had gone to bed without checking the night news.  I saw the web news  and learned that the author of the book I translated last year had received the Nobel Prize in Economics.  The sender of the mail lives in the Middle East.  The time difference enabled him to hear the news before me, and mailed me before anyone else.  It was so nice of him.
A few hours later, the moment the clock hit a sensible time, the publisher called me.  They were going to reprint the book right away.  So powerful is the Nobel Prize effect!
I reported this to my family, and they all said “good job!” but all I did was translate a book ordered by an editor who happened to bump into my web page.  And the author of that book happened to receive the Nobel Prize.  This, people, is what you call “windfall”.  I really am deeply indebted to the publisher who decided to translate this book, and the editor who chose me.  And I’m really glad I started this web page!