
Translation School





 だから、翻訳学校なんて行って役に立つの? と思っている人には、是非一度行ってみたほうがいい、と助言したい。意外と知らなかった基本的な技術が身につくのはもちろん、同じ志を持つ仲間ができるというのはとても心強い。



I wonder what the criteria for choosing a translation school is.

Is it whether they will refer you to translation jobs after finishing school, or is it whether there are famous teachers?  I don’t remember how I decided on the school I went to, but I think I checked Alc’s “Translation Encyclopedia” or something and chose from the many schools they had listed there.

The reason I went to a translation school in the first place is because I wanted to properly learn translation skills if there were any to learn, since I was translating completely in my own way.  And the reason I felt that way was because I met one book.  I read the book in English, and since it was so interesting, I couldn’t stop feeling the need to translate it into Japanese.  So I started translating it, little by little in my free time (I was still working full-time then), and finished translating it after a few years.  The sense of accomplishment was so unforgettable that I strongly felt that I wanted to publish the book someday.

After actually learning in a translation school, the best thing in my opinion is not the knowledge and the skills they teach you there, but rather, being able to read other students’ translation.  If I was to say without fear of being misunderstood, I think that literature translation is a very claustral work, per se, and therefore risks slipping into self-complacency.  We tend to assume that our translation is the best, and that there are no other correct answers.  But when ten students translate the same assignment in a class, there you have ten different translations.  And when the teacher comments on each of them and assesses the goods and bads, we get this awakening sense every time.  The students are varied in age and experience, and my classmates were housewives, student, retired teacher, librarian, ex-policeman and so forth, so they all have their own expertise which is interesting too.  I used to hold out-of-school study sessions with my classmates for years after I finished school.  Some of us helped each other in our translation jobs too.

So, if you’re wondering what good it is to go to a translation school, I strongly recommend that you go once.  Not only can you learn basic skills that you never knew existed, but it’s also very encouraging to have friends who have the same goals.

 However, I still can’t remember why I chose the school I went to…. I’m sorry about that.